back in the 90s--the small company i worked for had 9 staff. We formed a syndicate on the lottery ( UK ). Back then there were 49 numbers.
My suggestion was we all picked different numbers, the same each week. That way we covered all the numbers--which shortened the odds slightly. But no--the dopes wanted their own " lucky numbers " so a lot of numbers were duplicated--and others not covered.
The decision was that any £10 wins ( the minimum ) would be pooled to pay for the christmas dinner and booze up.
My line won the £10 a few times--but mostly no-one won anything. But thanks to my wins the xmas fund had a nice little ££amount in it--that was till 2 of the boneheads took the lot and invested it in scratch cards.
Then there was nothing left--and i boycotted the group.